You mean I can’t just yank this off your foot?

That must have been what my doctor was thinking – otherwise why WOULD he have done that during my 2nd visit? See doc, the thing is, these post-surgical booties have velcro at the bottom AND THE TOP of the foot …I would have THOUGHT you’d known that from all the patients you see…but you surely must have, well, FORGOTTEN…or, forgot that I just had surgery? Peeling a bootie off the top of a post-bunionectomy foot is not the most kind gesture.

After I got over that shock, it was, however, nice to see the x-rays of me pre-op and on my first post-op visit. That is also when we got to see the “K-Wire” pin inside my foot. My friend Kelly was pretty excited to take it all in. She’s a doctor wanna-be. Who else would want to sit IN the room with you and see your Frankensteinian feetsies? Every time they take the bandages off, I am reminded of how little I am bathing and feel like a mummy. My feet are essentially mummys’ feet. I have one over on Steve Martin: I gotta “condo mada stona” AND the feet to match.

The Return to the Fortress

This is what my friend Julie named my new place….which has, as my friend Kelly later recited to me (after heaving up a backpack full of groceries) FIFTY-ONE steps (I counted 54 later because I included some shifts & turns she gracefully omitted).

Yes, my friend Lisa came by the Woods, partook in scrumptious Shirley-made fare and took me back to the Fortress, which I ascended gently and gingerly on my derriere. Whoever does crutches UP stairs, let me know ‘cuz I don’t get that. Though I did ditch the crutches a few days prior anyway – they HURT!

Lisa took great care to make sure things were positioned where I needed them to be: chair in the kitchen, chair in front of the bathroom sink, blankets on the front couch (I have a futon flat on the ground in the bedroom – the bedroom set didn’t survive the move), and then it was just me. Here.

I have this thing about sleeping IN your bed….so I relented and moved my stuff back there. And I survived!

The drift from gratitude to impatience

It so easily happens! We start to lose sight of all of God’s blessings and want to take the reins again. I could see that happening to me as I began to resist the time I was in…to resent not being able to move….to want to complain more readily than sing His praises for all He’d done. The human condition persists.