“I have been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that [this economic worldview] was working exceptionally well.”
Category / business economics debt finances
Validation of my brilliance
Gov’t to pull a Buffett?
I also think the Fed may have to consider direct investments via preferred shares in banks; kind of like a mega-Warren Buffett, and/or allow financial institutions outside the normal banking system, like commercial lenders, to borrow directly from the Fed via the discount window, with appropriate collateral and with an oversight that those borrowings do indeed get lent out.
Property of transference
Wall Street asks for $700B
California asks for $7B
California/Wall Street = 10%
Diane/California = 10% (I’m having Sarah Palin run some models for me)
Ergo >>>> Diane asks the feds for $700M
I’m thinking that can buy a LOT more in Manhattan than it did last year and I’m willing to provide warrants to the feds for the equity increase over time.
See? Math is phun!!