If it’s been said already…

…it may still merit saying!

So much has been said about doing email introductions properly … and so much of it feels like common sense. So the only amazing thing is that people continue to do it so badly. And perhaps one of the worst parts of this phenomena is that the people making the poorly-formed requests tend to blame the person asked for not responding, when the responsibility really falls on them to make the entire process effective.

How can we eliminate this ill will and save lots of people time? It’s hard to top these posts by the prolific VC, Mark Suster…so I’ll just underscore some of these points with my own twist in the hopes that this in some small way reduces some frustration and wasted time for all in the future.

(1) Make it Forwardable: This is my ongoing mantra and listed as Suster’s #4 here. I’ve lost count of how many long email threads I have with friends or contacts sussing out how well I know someone, how I suggest reaching out to them, etc, only to end in, “Thanks!” The expectation is then for me to package up all the thinking (and whatever attachments) were embedded in the previous emails to create a version that is digestable by the prospective intro. Making me realize my friend etc. is absolutely clueless or zero in the empathic category. Continue reading →

This Koolaid is Tasty

Last month I had the privilege of joining WebFWD, the new accelerator from Mozilla. When I first learned of the opportunity, Mozilla was to me one thing: “makers of Firefox.”

Boy did I have a lot to learn (and still do). At this point, while my brain is still somewhat fresh with the “business” (as in, non-open source) way of thinking, I’ve identified some key areas that many businesses seek to excel at…and what Mozilla has been building on for years already:

Coming from the non-open source side of business, I’ve been involved in a lot of efforts focused on both employee and customer engagement. In technology, both are key: creating and transferring knowledge require a high degree of information sharing and engagement, both among the developers and the consumers of the software.

At Schwab, we developed a number of programs to engage our IT employees: contests, rewards, events, newsletters, feedback loops, “fun budgets” – any trick short of bribery our HR was ok with, we did it. We monitored, we measured the results, we reported back to senior management.

Flash to the world of Open Source…where, in shock, I learn things like:

  • More than 1,000 volunteers contribute code to Firefox, accounting for roughly 40% of its code. Yes, volunteers: as in, voluntarily.
  • 400,000 people contribute to Mozilla through its project tracking system Bugzilla

So um yes, these are volunteers, people. Unlike the highly-paid IT professionals we had to cajole with “fun budgets,” these people willingly give of their time and their talents. There’s no better engagement than that which is not engineered. It’s internalized. It sticks.

Social Enterprise
When I was at Haas, the Global Social Venture competition was just starting and the “triple bottom line” was emerging as a paradigm for businesses to deliver value on social as well as commercial fronts. This is becoming pretty pervasive today, thanks in part to social media adding an unprecedented level of transparency to consumer decision making, allowing them to select – and switch – vendors using simple scorecards, and spread the word prolifically. Social good is a huge brand asset

When I encountered this huge phenomenon of Open Source volunteerism, I had to know …why? Why would these talented professionals give their long-developed skills over for free to an open project? I’m learning that, while there are many reasons, the primary ones are the desire of dedicated people wishing to make things better: for themselves through better tools that solve their problems, and for others through increased competition. This results in a different kind of economy: one predicated less on transacting money for labor, and more on exchanging goodwill and knowledge to improve things. It’s allowed social enterprise to extend beyond fair labor practices and health products and into the world of technology. It’s very cool.

If you’ve had even one baby toe dipped in the realm of social media over the past 5ish years (and really, who hasn’t?), you’ll know that “community” is a huge deal. It’s the way brands and firms engage (that word again) with their customers. It’s Facebook groups. It’s Twitter followers. It’s Google+ Circles. It’s something else next week. But it’s important, because it’s a way for organizations to draw in and retain customers and influence.

It’s so important that brands paid big bucks to firms like the company I consulted with prior to joining Mozilla to create programs to get people to simply click “Like” on Facebook. 

Then I join Mozilla where I learn things like:

  • SUMO, Mozilla’s community-powered support site, helps an average of 10,000 Firefox users per week.
  • Students from more than 600 institutions in 57 countries spread Firefox as Mozilla Campus Representatives

This is community of the best kind: galvanized around a mission that extends beyond their individual needs, and not dependent on any one person or leader and as such, is highly sustainable and durable.

At Schwab we had another initiative: decentralize its workforce (which at the time was concentrated in San Francisco which was perceived as cost-prohibitive), and develop best practices and infrastructure to support this. Remote working policies and technology had to be developed, deployed and broadly adopted. It posed a fundamental shift in how people worked together. Schwab of course is not alone in this endeavor.

At Mozilla, the organization is already global at its core. A few data points that underscore this nicely:

  • Firefox is available in more than 75 languages (covering more than 97% of the world’s online population)
  • Firefox is used in every country in the world
  • Almost every non-English version of Firefox is localized by community volunteers
  • More than 50% of global Firefox users use non-English versions 

 …and you can read the Mozilla Manifesto in 33 languages. But what really drove this home for me was the crazy corners of the earth I hear Mozillians operate from (most recent being Hanoi). Often in their own homes, leveraging the video and real-time conferencing technologies used by volunteers, staffers and community members alike. What many corporations are trying to build are merely the stuff daily Mozilla life is made of, as well as that of many other open source projects (check out GitHub, which supports over 1 million people sharing code around the world).


Small wonder, then, that Mozilla Chair Mitchell Baker recently encouraged Mozillians confronting an increasingly competitive browser market (thanks largely to Mozilla itself) to “be more Mozilla then ever.” Whether they know it or not, it’s what most companies want, too.

Must I?

When I was about 4, I received a gift from a generous relative. Upon opening it, I was cajoled to respond. Complying, I stared directly into her eager, inquiring face and flatly declared:

“I don’t like it.”

…and to this day, her crestfallen response is indelibly marked in my memory.

But as adults, we’ve developed the super-ego to ensure we adhere to social mores. As such, we often find ourselves in situations where we are forced to effuse.

Two common settings for this cruelty include:

1) Admiring friends’ offspring. When this pertains to homo sapiens, I can buy in. People warrant respect. And infants all the more: I can totally get behind the awe of procreation.

However, my line is crossed when I am obliged to ooh and aah over a canine or feline. How much excitement can one be expected muster over a yelping, unhygienic slobbering animal unable to dialogue? Over what period of time is such feigned enthusiasm sustainable? Inhumane expectations.

2) Staff meetings. These are undoubtedly the most egregious examples of enforced enthusiasm*; particularly when they are kicked off by asking all participants to share with the group just what it is they love — the most — about Company A. The ensuing applause most often invariably owes to the fact that the employee has finished, rather than reflecting what s/he has actually shared.

But, being the solutions-oriented businessperson I am, I felt it was important end on a positive and constructive note:

Ways To Avoid Coercive Engagement (drawing off of real-life experience)

  • Never use campy parables … unless good. Really good.
  • Don’t regift the giveaways. If you must, do not disclose.
  • Contain all meetings to 1.5 hours – max. If you have the choice of longer meeting with food, or shorter meeting without food, go without food.
  • Make sure your schwag is dogfood you would eat, too.

* You can further reference the gem by Mike Judge at the bottom of this post for a lucid depiction of why this is just so wrong.