Birthday Weekend, Part III: The Final Lap

ssheeewwww this mirth is hard work. Gotta give it up to the illustrious John Cheng and Leslie Eileen Brock …and Jessica herself …for the unabashedly BEST partay a girl could ask for. One thing of which it proved was that music can easily take the place of sleep in my life. Good music, that is.

(if you can guess what the pose of me on the floor is, leave a comment. Hint: ’80s dance film…the word “maniac” is involved….)

Birthday, Part II: thanks Melissa!

…’cuz she wrote “it’s all about ME” today. And only last night we were bashing Twitter for being so utterly narcissistic …as if people really CARE what second-by-second play-by-play someone is experiencing (“5:45pm: in line for groceries…at toll both…in bathroom…” whatever…).

But today’s my birthday so this blog is regressing into a little twitter-narcissism. Though not at twitter-like frequency. I will spare my vast readership to a mere perhaps 3 parts for the whole day. This is the 2nd: me and da homies at the Ferry Bldg. to snag some fresh, locally grown fruit. Japanese Delica macrobiotic cuisine. Serious caffeinated bevvy from Blue Bottle coffee. Yummy dark flourless chocolate. Jewelry. Outrageous eye makeup. And girly love. Awwwwww!

Resting up for Part III: John Cheng’s SOMA Lair!

Birthday, Part I: bring it ON

Ringing it in at Jon R’s rooftop hot tub in the Outer Mission, with views of the SF cityscape that rival Medjool’s. Not sure how it can get better than THAT! But it just might. We still have today.