home at last

it’s kinda weird being here…where there are different spots for cars going one way vs. going the other way, separate places for people, for animals, for tractors…and where you can inhale and not be reminded of what other living creatures are in close proximity, etc.

The pictures – all 411 of them – are posted, and I think they begin to capture the poignant contrasts – beauty and poverty – that abound in India. Remember, though, that they don’t capture a very important sensory experience of India: smell.

When work feels like…er….

A marathon? Just finished Schwab’s “Technical Mentoring Program” – and I put that in quotes because it truly is a “LIFE WORK” program…between that, an intense/challenging job, a new place, foot surgery and a few international trips, I’d say the ’06-’07 fiscal year has had it’s challenges! I feel like a wet noodle and hope I can absorb the key lessons I’m supposed to be gleaning (and transforming from-!).


Yes, the God who made and reigns over ALL of this…came down and became a vulnerable child…gave Himself to an ignominous birth and a grisly death…so that He could intercede on our behalf forever. Do you grasp that? I don’t. But hope to more and more. Merry merry merry Christ-mas.