It’s the Community, Not the Code

That was a huge “aha” of mine when I interviewed at Mozilla over a year ago. Since then, I’ve enjoyed a year of immersion into one of the most fascinating, cool communities ever.

Today I had a chance to share a bit based on the experiences of Mozilla and some of our WebFWD teams at the HTML5Dev Conference in San Francisco. Not lots of notes on the slides so it was awesome when I learned that David Dehghan from the Dolphin Browser team posted a summary of the points I addressed! Those and the slides below should provide a sense of what I shared. Thanks to Chris Heillmann for the backup!

From backstage to onstage…

This week I had the huge honor – thanks in large part to Dana – to share the amazing story of the Mozilla community at TEDxSanLuisObispo. The weekend was special for many reasons: in addition to the various connections I had with the event organizers, telling the Mozilla story from my own perspective to such an amazing audience was thrilling. It was also a huge honor to take the stage at a TEDx event after planning so many of them for TEDxSF.

Here’s the video and further below are the slides:

…and here are the slides 😉

The Intentionality of Equity

My friend Deanna Zandt and some of her colleagues recently became frustrated with the imbalance of the “Top 10 This” and “Most Powerful That” lists which invariably skew toward one demographic, albeit even if the cause is often innocent (owing to the subtle and fancily-titled phenomenon, homophily). Admirably, they wished go beyond simply whining about the issue and devised a solution: #One4One.

This challenge asks people to create their own list of “influencers” with just one constraint: the names you select must have an identity that is radically different as your own. For example, “if you’re a dude, name a woman. If you’re white, name a person of color. If you’re straight, name an LGBTQ person” etc. Voting is done by the crowds, who – if they are observing the contest to start with – are likely taking on the same degree of thoughtfulness that the challenge creators and nominators are. Continue reading →