If supporting Obama means shaking your hiphop rappin’ bootay the way we did tonite … for reals… then I’m a lifer. Let’s re-look at those term limits. I can’t go back.
Let’s just face it….McCain will never….never…have this kind of cool factor.
What is this? Why, my beloved Obama finger-puppet, proudly displayed as I “wave my hands in da air” to the evening DJ’s rap-sody.I don’t think Cindy & John are bringin’ down da house in quite this way…do you?
I’ve noted elsewhere how we as humans have our limits when it comes to outrage. Sometimes God blesses us with humor to let off the steam; other times, maybe it’s just a reprieve from thinking about the issue.
When it comes to Gitmo, I’m rather sad to say the latter situation applies, and the reprieve is for tragic reasons. We simply don’t hear about Gitmo because:
1) Other tragedies have grabbed our attention (economic collapse, campaign smears and the like); and 2) W…yes, we can add this to the 3,846* other tragedies left in his wake:
Financial meltdowns. Political campaigns. Global warming. Laughter feels like a guilty indulgence. Or is my remorse stemming from the fact that some of the things that have made me laugh the hardest recently may prove offensive?
But share I must. So, if you are easily offended, please stop here and just scroll down to the end of this post to watch the video. For the thicker-skinned, I’m publicly disclosing 3 items which unfailingly tickle me to the core…regardless of how many times I view…and view…and view them….:
This repulsive portrayal of the male fantasy world(watch the Ferrino Mizzoni clip). Why, then, as a female, do I relish watching it? A Rebounder’s Delight (credit to my friend Amit – he’s really quite talented don’t you think??).
This deliciously funny satire of Linden Labs’ bizarre yet incomprehensibly popular Second Life virtual world. Don’t get me started on how weird it is. I feel free saying this because all Second Lifers are IN Second Life and quite unlikely to be reading this “real” life blog. Of course, that means you readers out here in the real world have likely never ventured in to Second Life and will likely miss the humor… I personally only have because I interviewed there (I swear!).
ADDENDUM FROM 8/3/09 (couldn’t post as a video clip due to NBC litigiousness): http://www.tmz.com/2009/05/10/justin-timberlake-mother-lover/
I thank God that the human species has been specially endowed not only with reason, but with humor. I also believe that, when we get to those infamous “ledge” moments, comedy can kick in beyond our control, overtaking us as an evolutionary survival mechanism.
Such subsummation by laughter is most perfectly depicted in one of my favorite scenes, appropriately (given this electoral season we find ourselves in) from “The Candidate”…if you have ADD, fast-forward to :45: