Living Off The Wall

As I approached the TSA-like security checkpoint at the Federal Building where I teach government employees spin each week, I lost all self-control:

“Workin’ Day And Night” kicked into the iPod.

Edging over to the side of the patio area and then refusing to investigate any further exposure, I launched into a cathartic warm-up for class. Thanks to Michael.

When all was done, I turned around to find the 50-something pensioned security guards smirking delightfully through the glass window at what they minutes later labelled my “gyrations.”

Maybe they can get a little more groove on to meet Michael half-way.

Thank You For Smoking. Indeed

Let’s face it: we are bombarded with spin at work, on the freeway, on the airwaves, on the web….so tonight, it was with profound….refreshment….that I was introduced to

This unabashedly frank site essentially allows “users” (in the truest sense of the word) to freebase out those pesky cigarette impurities (=tobacco) so people can just cut to the chase to access the source of their addictions more directly.

Straight from the straight-shootin’ site:

2. What is in the cartridge and this Vapor you inhale?
Three main ingredients make up this liquid (what some like to call ELiquid). They consist of:
Water: Cant survive without it. Its that substance you see covering 70+ percent of the earth
PG (Propylene Glycol): Considered generally food safe by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Its mainly used in flavoring extracts but can also be found in medicines, cosmetics, hand soap, etc…
Some Include Nicotine: Need I say more? I could go on for hours. The fact remains, NICOTINE IS ADDICTIVE.

You can’t say you weren’t warned!

A picture says a thousand tokes

Surely this must be a *lagging* indicator….

I was so eager to check out NY’s Museum of American Finance, “the nation’s only public museum of finance, (whose) mission is to promote financial literacy, and to empower people to better understand risk and reward in order to make more effective financial decisions.”

But what are we to make of the “Current Exhibit” page?

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