Eloquent. Intelligent. Reasoned. Poised. Objective. Classy. Dashing. Cool.
And a freakin’ standup comedian to boot?
Honestly, if this man is not elected, I may go into comatose hibernation for the next four (pleaseeeeee not eight) years…..
Eloquent. Intelligent. Reasoned. Poised. Objective. Classy. Dashing. Cool.
And a freakin’ standup comedian to boot?
Honestly, if this man is not elected, I may go into comatose hibernation for the next four (pleaseeeeee not eight) years…..
So I used to not like Obama because people followed him so unwaveringly…so cultishly….
Then circumstances started to change and it became a matter of not voting FOR Obama, but voting against McCain.
But now. Now. The koolaid is kicking in.
If supporting Obama means shaking your hiphop rappin’ bootay the way we did tonite … for reals… then I’m a lifer. Let’s re-look at those term limits. I can’t go back.
I’ve noted elsewhere how we as humans have our limits when it comes to outrage. Sometimes God blesses us with humor to let off the steam; other times, maybe it’s just a reprieve from thinking about the issue.
When it comes to Gitmo, I’m rather sad to say the latter situation applies, and the reprieve is for tragic reasons. We simply don’t hear about Gitmo because:
1) Other tragedies have grabbed our attention (economic collapse, campaign smears and the like); and
2) W…yes, we can add this to the 3,846* other tragedies left in his wake:
I wonder if the detainees think of this “broader strategy” every morning when they wake up.