Idiocracy, Part 3

I know I’ve referenced this brilliant film twice in the past 2 months, but as the election thunders its way ever closer, I can’t help but think of this movie on an increasingly constant basis.

Tonight’s trigger? Obama’s 30-minute infomercial. Can you count how many times words traditionally ending in “-ing” were pronounced ending in “-in'”? And identify what U.S. Senator omitted the “s” from the already-conjuncted “wasn’t”?

I love Obama but I’m sad he and his communications crew aren’t standing in the way of the demise of multisyllabic* diction:

*link provided for those ahead of me


It’s a good thing when it leads to potentially better outcomes.

Example: Nouriel “Nostradamus” Roubini, my current geek idol (his Global EconoMonitor (“RGE”) is on my blogroll to the lower right). Roubini has been led the economic community not only in making predictions but also proscriptions with respect to the recent economic meltdowns, the latest example being among the first to call the hedge fund disasters (even my intellectual and aesthetic equal Liz Ann only nailed that today).

It’s a little scary when it leads to utter despair.

Example: Mike Judge, the genius behind Idiocracy. While this masterpiece had (and still has) me in tears, they are bittersweet tears: the film uncannily portrays the lamentable trajectory of American history, illustrating how tragedy and comedy are 2 parts of the same phenomena (i.e. things are just not as they should be).

Luke Wilson makes me cry, and I’m developing a strong affection for him.

Rant refining and Rand renouncing

One movie, one webcast and one cocktail party later, I feel compelled to refine my previous allegations. Specifically, I’d chided our former Fed Reserve Chairman for using 40 years’ prior experience as an excuse for his scandalous neglect of the U.S. economic system. But, you say, 40 years’ experience sounds like a compelling reason to stay on the same trajectory? To that, I offer up three clarifications:

  • The “past performance is not an indicator of future results” truism can be gleaned straight from Statistics 101 (or is that 01?): when you flip a coin, it always has a 50% chance of being tails. Regardless of how many times it turned up tails prior. (brain refresher credit to “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead” – fabuuuu kudos to Gary Oldman…sigh….).
  • AND: good economists must live by Mark Twain’s wisdom that “history does not repeat itself…but it does rhyme.” That is, while no two economic environments are exactly alike, overarching principles can be gleaned and applied to future conditions. In the current crisis, historical disasters amidst lack of regulation (but 2 examples: in the ’30s up to Black Tuesday; in the ’80s up to the S&L collapse) should have served as instructive examples (Twain quote credit to Schwab SVP Mark Riepe, who is emerging as one of my newer geek heroes).
  • I thus underscore my original charge: that Greenspan is a purist to the detriment of the globe. Specifically, his 40-year tryst with Ayn Rand led to a sorely misguided ascent to the unfettered rationalistic, meritocratic nature of humans, thwarting the rest of the world into the cataclysmic consequences of such distorted thinking. (credit to Haas mixer where I blurted this out in verbal form with only afterthought consideration as to whether other Rand-ists were present).

Yes, we have her to thank, too. “Objectivism” is an attractive philosophy not because it is true, but because it plays to our sense of pride. Why else would people eat up McCainistic lauds of “the American people” as being so virtuous when it was these people – not just corporate execs – who contributed to our current economic mess in living beyond their means (one example: embracing “Pick-A-Pay” negative amortization schemes…I mean, “negative amortization”??).

How much more roadkill do we need to accept that, when left to our own devices, we do NOT do the right thing?

Update on 12/11/08: my friend Jim just sent me an article which leads me to believe that Cardinal Ratzinger (aka The Pope) and I are somewhat aligned

…and while I am not in 100% agreement with the entire article, I did find its assertion that “the market mechanism has a negative but not a positive function. The market cannot decide what innovations or practices are beneficial to society. It can only punish incompetence and inefficiency” to be incredibly thought provoking….I’ll be gnawing on that one for a while….