- Wall St./Main St.
- Innovation/Regulation.
- Short-Term gain/ Long-Term pain.
- S&P. SEC. Freddie Mac. Fannie Mae. Fed-e-ral Reserve.
- Overreaching homeowners. Mercenary mortgage brokers. Delusionary derivative creators. Rogue real estate developers. Parochial pension fund managers. Icelandic gubernators. United Autoworkers.
Admiration for all things prophetic -cntd-
I’ve admitted to geek adulation a few times here; the latest on the radar (though hardly new) is Michael Lewis:
Greer: And so Michael, I know after Liar’s Poker, you had said that you hoped that “some bright kid, say at Ohio State University, who really wanted to be an oceanographer, would read my book, spurn the offer from Morgan Stanley and set out to sea.” So are we going to see more oceanographers?
Lewis: I think they are not even going to want to read my book. I think this era on Wall Street will have finally come to an end, and people will look at Liar’s Poker as a document from the distant past.
I wish we could sell CraigsList postings on eBay….:
2008-12-03, 10:22AM EST
E1 Asset Management is a rapidly growing Wall Street firm with 175+ employees, excellent support staff and top of the line technology. US regulated (SEC, FINRA). We provide a safe home and a clean disclosure record to build and maintain your future business. We want to develop top producers for the long term. Ex-Mortgage, Insurance or Real Estate Sales professionals welcome. Excellent opportunity for recent college graduates! Must be authorized to work in the United States! Paid training & excellent “on the job” training. Send resumes to Rachel Ryu at rryu@e1am.com or call her today at 212.425.2670. Learn what it takes to survive and flourish on Wall Street. For more information about our company please visit our website at www.e1am.com
Blogerapy (or, Somebody Stop Me)
Elsewhere I’ve alluded to the allegedly therapeutic value of this potentially self-absorbed exercise currently known to us as blogging. A cursory glance at the number of my posts per month will prove instructive for anyone with actual interest in the degree of my internal angst in a given period (omit the travelogues from this analysis).
But hark: while both I and my external world seem to be leveling off (omit the Motor City and the economy :-0), I’ve undergone a change….insanity: I still need to blog! I MUST, in fact, blog!
This post is a perfect case in point…it exists, despite me not really having anything to say….
Am I now officially and unhealthily dependent upon a medium that will never move me to a better place but just feels so good I can’t stop?
It’s free, though.