In my previous post about Cafe Gratitude, I wrote, “I often thought it was too good to be true that body pierced hippy types could run a business”…alas: my monthly credit card posting from my vegan indulgence revealed that they failed to include my tip in the total….I hope this does not forebode an end similar to fate of my beloved Urban Forage-!


On an ongoing basis, for the love and grace of God. But most recently and more temporally, for Cafe Gratitude! Let me explain–

A few years ago, a phenomenal culinary delight for organic, raw vegan folks thrived on Valencia Street – it was called Urban Forage and it was a haven for that .005% of the population that seeks out raw, organic, vegan food. I often thought it was too good to be true that body pierced hippy types could run a business…and alas, I was right: it flamed out in less than a year. I mourned for quite a while. Then my friend Kelley gave me a gift certificate to a place in the inner mission called Cafe Gratitude…I could never bring myself to using it because I never thought anything else would match up to the heights that Urban Forage took me.

Luckily, my friend Antonio – another health foodie – assured me we should meet there. And now my pocketbook will never be the same. Ok, there is a “forced feel-good” vibe that sort of permates the place (for example, there is a “question of the day” that goes along the lines of, “what do your friends love most about you?”; and all menu items begin with “I AM…” – I assume it is not heretic….) – but – the fare is to die for! I went twice this weekend. Somebody stop me!!


Check out my co-worker Cory Silver’s assessment of the US meat processing industry based on his viewing of Fast Food Nation (note the brandishment of a meat skewer whilst espousing):